Monday, May 19, 2008

10 Dimensional Space

For those who are interested, ever wondered what the best fitting theory of the universe is based on? If my little six year old sister can grasp the concepts, I trust you all can too - String theory predicts either 10 or 28 dimensions (Has to be one of these to describe the current theories of Gravity and QM). The scariest thing about this is that It predicts that the universe was once 10-dimensional: That is all the dimensions where interlinked together. Then, in an act of "tunneling", the universe dropped down to a lower energy of a 4-dimensional set (Our reality) and a infinity small 6-dimensional set. This is scary, because if 4-dimensions inst the lowest energy, what if it happens again?!?!? When I feel more up to it I'll add some more to this...


The last eight months have not been good ones. The only saving grace is that the worst is over - and now the only thing I can think of is the holiday I wanted to be having halfway through this year. Even though that's out of the question, I've organised a majority of the trip to occur during the summer holidays! In some ways this is the best thing, anyhow,as It gives me more time to make sure my Mandrin is up to scratch (learnt some with Poppy, and my friend in Jinan will undoubtedly yell at me for not practising more next time I talk to her), and to revise my French and Japanese. I suppose I should outline my trip so you know what I'm talking about;

I intened to fly out to Vietnam (One my my "Honkie" friends has family there, so I'll stay with them and hopefully be shown the sites with them) and stay there two weeks. From there I was going to fly to China (Alb's has to decide where she wants to show me still!!!) and stay two or three weeks there. Move onto Korea for a week, then catch the Trans-Siberian across into European Russia, where I'll stay for a week (my Grandmother - the one that watches Youtube - want to do that with me). I'd them meet Poppy in Germany for a week,then visit England (where I will stay with my farming family) for two weeks. I will probably be out of money by that stage, as well as out of time, so will be force to make the expensive trip home..

I don't really want to think about how much more I'll need to save, but thinking, since my original budget was $8,000 for Vietnam and china, adding in another $630 (if I don't intend on eating) for the Trans-Siberian, and another 8 or ( thousand for Europe, I don't think I'll be sleeping for the next six months. But again, what's life without its little hills?

Dearly Beloved

So it happened, and although I knew it was coming, I wasn't really ready. Ever since, all those weeks ago she ask my brother and me, while we where sitting in the hospital after her chemotherapy (for her lung cancer) to make sure that our other siblings where looked after, we knew. But you want to hope for an act of god (difficult since I don't believe in god). We knew the minute the doctor said that the cancer had spread to her brain to a degree that it was amazing that she was still able to breath, let alone talk and walk about. Somehow, she refused to let it rule her. It wasn't until last week that she finally started to show cracks - loss of memory, and the loss of her 'twinkle' in her eyes. Even so, last Sunday, she asked me to dance (we were listening to "I Robot" - Alan Parsons Project) and she told me that my singing was terrible and my dancing worse - deliberately making fun of herself. The last two days of her life must have been terrible - she had shots of morphine on an hourly basis, along with whatever other drugs she would 'normally' be having. I suppose, some sense of relief that she is no longer suffering, no longer fighting simply to maintain her memories.

Bye Mum. Love you.